Monday, October 5, 2009

The real Cause of the World's Crime Problem

I've read many posts. Some of you are displaying your prejudices too much and often too proudly. It seems as if it is a part of our makeup as Humans.
Do I think prejudice is wrong? It is not always wrong; I have my prejudices too:
All Chinese people are nice and kindhearted.
All East Indians are great Cricket players.
The darker a lady's skin is, the sexier she is. (I have a very sexy wife.)
Like all prejudices, they were formed by my upbringing, personal experiences or the influence of my peers while growing up, they are illogical, and when I come across any individual who does not fit, he/she is an exception.
Nobody gets upset over my prejudices (except that one Indian who can't play cricket to save his life). However, too often, we are too ready to think the worse of others for no other reason than genetics, religion, gender, social standing, their address, appearance or some other thing that has no bearing on whom the person really is.
IT IS A MYTH that poverty causes crime. The MAIN CAUSE OF CRIME in any neighborhood or country is PREJUDICE, the type of prejudice that engenders hate, resentment, disdain, contempt, acts of violence. Those who view others as less human than them are encouraging crime.
I grew up in very poor neighborhoods, yet those areas hardly experienced crime. Everybody respected each other and exercised great kindness to everybody. However, in the major towns and in Kingston, everywhere I saw negative-prejudice, I saw crime. The crimes were committed by both victims and perpetrators.
When the family finally moved to a more affluent area, of Kingston, the crimes we experienced were committed by those from areas where persons had to struggle under the burden of social prejudices.
Our Judicial System is rife with it. Some accused and defendants are often not treated fairly in the Courts. I witnessed this for myself. I got special consideration once because of my address and family name and maybe because I was dressed in a business suit.
A prominent lawyer was accused of fraud involving millions of dollars. The police spoke to her politely and waited patiently to be let in to arrest her. They actually waited for hours! Yet, when a pickpocket stole $200.00, ran into a building and locked himself in, the police bashed the door down and dragged him out.
Citizen from some areas know that the Police will not be as diligent to protect them as they would be to citizens of the upper crust areas, so they turn to the "Area Leaders" (Dons) for redress. Indeed, a documentary series on History Channel (Gangland) showed that almost all of the gangs they had investigated got their start as Neighborhood Watch Groups. The police weren't protecting them, so a group of them decided to protect their neighborhoods. This did not come for free. The "volunteers" had their responsibilities also and this required money.
As propaganda advocates will tell you, if people are told the same thing over and over, they will start to believe it. Continuously hearing that you are not valued will gnaw at your self-esteem. Continuously hearing that a certain group of people are sub-human will rob you of your respect for them. The most dangerous humans are those who hate themselves or others.

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